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Each district serves preschoolers with slightly different schedules, age eligibility, transportation and fees. Please check with your local district for offerings. 

Preschool registration typically starts in the spring of the year. 

Most ECFE classes meet once a week for two hours and include:

  • Parent-Child Activity Time, where families explore a classroom filled with developmentally appropriate play and learning activities planned by a licensed early childhood teacher.

  • Parent Discussion Time, where parents meet with a licensed parent educator to share support, experiences and information about child development and parenting techniques.

  • Child Activity Time, where children learn with the licensed early childhood teacher and paraprofessional to practice social skills as they interact with other children.

Designed for parents/caregivers and children from birth to school entry. 


To register, contact your district's early childhood center or coordinator.

Head Start mission

 “The Head Start Program is based on the premise that all children share certain needs, and that children of low-income families, in particular, can benefit from a comprehensive developmental program to meet those needs.” 


Head Start provides an environment that supports the healthy growth and development of each child in the context of the child’s family, culture, and community. Parents/guardians are partners in their child’s Head Start experience. Staff work with families to build on their strengths, develop respectful relationships, and strengthen their connection with the community.


Early Head Start is a family-centered program for income-eligible pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers under the age of three. Program participants will be matched with an Early Head Start home visitor who will meet with the family weekly. They are professionals with education and experience in early childhood development.


Who is Eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start?

-Income-eligible families with children ages birth to five

-Families living in Crow Wing, Morrison, and Todd counties

-Children with special needs


Contact TCCAP today to schedule an appointment or inquire about Early Education, Family, Financial, and Emergency Services. TCCAP services are available to residents of Crow Wing, Morrison, and Todd counties.

What is Early Intervention? 

Do you have concerns about the development of your child but are unsure who to ask? Your local school district provides free services! 

Top 10 Skills for Kindergarten

We all want our children to be successful in school but what are the skills your child should have? You may be surprised at the list created by kindergarten teachers in Morrison County. 

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